A pastor was telling a story to a group of children in Sunday School. It went like this.
"I'm going to describe something and you tell me what it is. It has a furry tail. It's really good at climbing trees. It hides nuts for the winter when it's cold outside. It's . . ."
A young boy quickly raised his hand and said, "I know the answer's Jesus, but it sure sounds like a squirrel to me!"
Isn't that how this season seems to be coming at you. In all the business, craziness, zaniness, we know the answer is Jesus, but it sure sounds like the cultural junk of the season.
A friend recently commented, "If Jesus were here, would he wonder what the heck we were doing?"
I have no doubt.
See ya around!
I had to give this some thought, in many ways he would see humanity helping humanity. On the other hand he might think that his word,the Bible, whether in KJ, NIV etc was "Lost in Translation" - loving your "neighbor as yourself" sure missed the boat for many Christians. amd