Monday, November 29, 2010

Facebook addict? Really???

Do you find yourself groping for your smart phone or lunging for your computer just to see what the recent posts might be?  Do you find yourself stalking some of your friends to see if they are having fun than you are?  Do you find your self asking the question, "Should I hide or de-friend?"  Do you try to have your photos tagged often so your friends will see what an amazing life you have?  If you can answer yes to any of these questions, or myriad others, you are probably an FA.  That's right a Facebook Addict.

Currently there are no FA meetings available in your area.  But, you can do what I and of my closest friends have done . . . you can do a Facebook Back Away.  That's right.  First you compose a nice note.  And send PMs to your friends letting them know that you are performing an intervention on yourself, and you are backing away from Facebook for a time.  That way when you de-friend them, they'll feel good that they are helping in your recovery!!!  Then de-friend those folk whom you think you can de-friend.  Only you know who they might be.

Now your friends list is much shorter.  That's step one.  With a shorter friends list, that's fewer updates.  And the need to check so often will begin to abate.  You'll always want another Facebook hit, so be careful.  Going back just a few times a day can hook you all over again.  Remember once an FA, always an FA.

Hope this post today has helped.  Oh, crap, my phone just said someone wrote on my wall . . .

See ya around!

1 comment:

  1. Actually, there is a new discorder out there. (FAD) I just started a month ago and am in big trouble already.

    (CNN) -- One day recently, Cynthia Newton's 12-year-old daughter asked her for help with homework, but Newton didn't want to help her, because she was too busy on Facebook. So her daughter went upstairs to her room and sent an e-mail asking her for help, but Newton didn't see the e-mail, because, well, she was too busy on Facebook."
    Peace & Blessings
